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Hope is in 23

Fast Paced fun at every turn


One day, the door that separated our world from the supernatural world was opened by an unknown individual. Monsters and beast we thought were fake, turned out to be our worst nightmare as they all but demolished humanity.


There was once a glimmer of hope, somehow when the door was opened a force or power spread itself into 23 individual with great power to help combat the new threat. The human military along with the "23" gave it their all, but the enemy proved to much for humanity, even with the help of the powered humans. 12 years later Humanity ison the brink of extinction and those that remain are scattered around deserted cities and artificial islands when humans are killed for sport and fun. The 23 are either dead, captured or missing. You are ORION, number 23 and you have aided in your capture, risking all hope humanity has left to find the one person who can help turn things around.Will you do what you and your friends couldnt 12 years ago, and save humanity?.

Watch Trailer here (outdated)

Hope is in 23 was greenlit in less than a month on Steam! click below to check out the page and updates for game release!

Click Image to go to steam page!

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