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Making Games you Love

Because you have a say in what you play.

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About the Developer.

D'Angelo has been in love with games since he could firmly hold a controller in his hands. He started fiddling with electronics early in his life, and found interest in different skills that would later mold him into the indie developer he is today.He is a student of learning, constantly trying to better himself by perfecting and learning all he can. His mother instilled hard work in him and encouraged him to always to achieve greatness and never "settle for less". It is this mindset that D'Angelo brings in every game,application and aspect of his everyday life.


Our Services

Cognitive Studios believe in helping their fellow developers!. From tutorials, to paid services dealing with code, 3DArt and even game engines such as Unreal engine 4, Lumberyard and Unity 5!. Click below for further information.

Youtube Channel

On the Youtube channel you will find updates about our games etc, but the core use of the channel is to share ideas and tutorials on game engine such as Unreal Engine or LumberYard

For Hire

Check back often to see if the developer is open for freelance work!.


Game development is our passion!. Another passion is making assets that other developers can use in ther projects! stay tuned for more info!.


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© 2016 by Cognitive Studios. 

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